Most Golfers. ( Changed - 06/11/2023)


Most golfers make a golf swing as follows:- *

At the address position, the club face is aligned Square to the Target Line, as the back swing is performed the club face gradually "opens" relative to the "Square to the Target Line".

As the down swing swing movement is performed, the club face gradually returns to the original address position so that at the precise moment the club face makes contact with the ball, the club face is once again "Square to the Target Line"

As soon as the ball has been struck, the club face begins to close, relative to the "Square to the Target Line".

With this conventional type of golf swing the club face will only be "Square to the Target Line" at the precise moment the ball is struck, subsequently as soon as the ball has been struck, the club face immediately begins to close.

This means that in order to get a good result, the timing of the movement has to be very precise in order to ensure that the shoulders, the arms and the hands are returned to the original address position at the exact moment that the club head makes contact with the ball.

However by learning to force the arms to interact as the club head swings through the contact area, you will extend the distance that the club head is "Square to the Target Line"


However you must maintain the upper body angles until the club head reaches the bottom of the swing arc.

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