> Hands Position


Hands Position. (Changed - 12/04/2019)

If you wish to play very good golf, it is absolutely vital that at the precise moment the club head makes contact with the ball, the hands are prevented from going beyond the original address position.

However as soon as the club head strikes the ball, the hands and the club head move towards the target area at the same speed as the ball, whilst simultaneously the whole body quickly turns to fully face the target area.

t is absolutely vital that you concentrate to get the timing right to ensure that these actions coincide. ( Concentrate on holding the hands back as the club head swings into the contact area)

(Professional golfer pay particular attention to the position of the hands as the down swing movement is performed and therefore concentrate very hard on this aspect of the golf swing. -- so take note.)

In order to play consistent golf, you must set your hands directly in front of you as in my set up section at the address position, which is slightly to the left of the centre line of the body.

However, as you perform the down swing movement, it is important to understand that the hands must go past the original address position before the club head makes contact with the ball. - See "Analysis" below.


At the address position the hands are basically positioned slightly to the left of the centre line of your stance.

However as you perform the down swing movement the hips begin to turn to face the target area so that at the precise moment of impact the lower part of the body has turned approximately 45 degrees towards the target area.

Whilst the hips have turned to partially face the target area, because the right elbow is tucked into the waist and the upper body angles have been maintained, by the time the club head strikes the ball the right shoulder will already be rotating under the chin.

The rotational movement of the hips during the down swing movement creates a situation where the hands appear to be ahead of the original address position.
However in actual fact the hands are in the original address position, but relative to the lower body, the hands are now positioned adjacent to the right knee.

(What this creates is an illusion - The arms appears to cut across in front of the body with a movement that starts from outside the line, moving to inside the line, but also past the centre line of the body before the club head strikes the ball.
This cutting action places the hands in the correct position at impact.)

From the impact position, the head is held in the original address position for a milli-second whilst the hands and the club head move towards the target area together at exactly the same speed as the ball and simultaneously the whole body quickly turns to fully face the target area.

Simultaneously the right shoulder/right upper arm muscles force the right arm into the fully straightened position, thus pushing the club head through the contact area.

Watch this video of Adam Scott playing the 3rd hole at Augusta and notice how the arms go past the centre line of the body with an "out to in" swing plane and the right shoulder has already begun to rotate under the chin before the club head strikes the ball.
But also notice that the right elbow is tucked into the waist at the point of impact.



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