If you truly want to play golf at a higher level then read this web site carefully and try to absorb the information because I can assure you that the effort will be in your best interests.
You will only reach your full potential by adopting the perfect impact position as seen in these still photograph of top professional golfers.
It is important to understand that the golf swing can only be performed correctly by pivoting the hips, for example, during the back swing movement the hips pivot so that the right hip is gradually raised to its highest position whilst the left hip is gradually lowered to it lowest point.
From the moment you begin the down swing movement the pivotal action of the hips is reversed, so that the left hip gradually begins to rise to its highest point whilst the right hip drops to its lowest point.
As long as the whole body is held in the fully twisted condition it achieved at the end of the back swing movement, the pivotal action of the hips during the down swing movement will automatically forces the upper body to rotate around its axis and follow the movement of the hips.
Very Important.
Basically the down swing is all about using the pivotal action of the hips to force the whole twisted body to rotate around the axis of the spine whilst the upper body held as a one piece unit -- and carried out as a single movement.
But importantly, the down swing is performed at a rediculously slow pace whilst the club head is whipped into the contact area. ( Just watch the professionals on the TV - Matthew Jordan is a clsssic example.)
Most Handicapped Golfers believe that simply swinging the arms to hit the ball is the correct way to play golf, and that is why they remain high handicapped golfers, yes the arms are used to hit the ball, but only whilst the arms interact.
*** During the back swing movement it is the left shoulder that is in control of the rotational movement of the upper body whilst the eyes are fixed on the back of the ball..
Basically the down swing is all about pivoting the hips thus forcing the whole twisted body to rotate around the central core of the spine, whilst the upper body unit is firmly held together as a one piece unit.
It is vital that the whole body remains in the fully twisted condition as the pivotal movement forces it to rotate around the central core of the spine.
The hip pivotal movement will automatically cause the body to adopt the impact position and at that point the golfer literally accelerates the club head back into the back of the ball and into the follow through with a downwards action.
Very low handicapped golfers perform the down swing movement with the magic move .
As you perform the magic move, the right elbow is drawn into the waist line and simultaneously the hips begin to pivot and turn to face the target area .
This pivoting action is vital so that the left hip reaches it maximum height a fraction of a second before the club head strikes the ball.
Therefore from the precise moment the right elbow touches the waist line, the elbow must remain in this position, and then whilst the hips pivot/rotate thus forcing the whole twisted body unit to follow, and therefore swinging the club head into and through the contact area, but importantly, then performing the key movement from the precise moment the club head strikes the ball.
It is only when you have learnt to make the down swing/follow through movement with this method will you understand how accurate and powerful the method is.
It is vital that the left hip is in it highest position a fraction of a second before the club head strikes the ball.
It is vital that you keep the left arm close to the right shoulder and the right elbow held into the waist line until the ball is struck and into the follow through movement
The longer you can keep the left arm close to the right shoulder as the hips force the whole twisted body unit to rotate around the axis of the spine the better the strike of the ball.
To perform this action correctly you must initially perform the magic move which works in conjunction with the rotational / pivotal movement of the lower body.
Whilst the hip movement forces the upper body unit to rotate around the central core of the spine but focusing on forcing the right shoulder to rotates under the chin, thus swinging the club head into the contact area.
It is a combination of the rotation/pivotal movement of the hips which forces the whole twisted body unit to rotate and the interaction of the arms that give you the power and the accuracy.
( See video of the correct Movement.) and at the precise moment the ball is struck, the golfer performs the key movement in order to achieve distance and accuracy.
During the down swing movement the hip pivot action is the controlling factor, and the more separation you can achieve between the rotational movement of the hips before the whole twisted body unit follows, the better, and after the club head has struck the ball and the interaction of the arms are completed, the arms must follow the flight of the ball for as long as possible.
This action enables professional golfers to hit the ball exactly as they wish, a draw, a fade or a straight shot depending on the set up at the address position, the thrust of the right shoulder delivers the club head into the back of the ball with the all important power.
John Rahm is a classic example of the swing action I have just explained.
The golf swing that I teach in this web site is based on my experience of learning to play golf from being a hacker to a reasonable golfer and during this period I have learnt how to play much better golf and I pass this information to you.
The basic golf swing is a very simple process which becomes progressively more difficult as you try to hit the ball further but I only wish that I had learnt the correct way to play golf 40 years ago -- but this is your chance to jump that time gap.
*** You may wish to look at an excellent series of videos produced by Chris Ryan who is a PGA professional coach who can expand on my basic principles of the golf swing ***
Unfortunately most golfers who read this web site will dismiss my analysis of the golf swing without a second thought because I am not a "celebrity golf coach" -- therefore it is only the golfer who is prepared to have an open mind about my teachings and go to the golf range to practice my instructions -- these are the golfers that will prosper.
So if you really want to play much better golf and you are prepared to absorb this information, this web site will teach you how to play a very consistent and accurate game of golf.
Just remember, the golf swing that I as described
in this web site has exactly the same principle movements that
allow the majority of the professional golfers to play the game
at the top of their profession.
So if you have an open mind on how the golf
swing is performed and you are prepared to accept that the golf
swing I teach is an accurate reflection on the way the professionals
golfer play the game, but describing the important factors that
will enable you to hit the ball long and straight, then you
will already be on the road to achieving a very good golf swing.
As a point of interest you often hear top golf instructors say that that a golfer should only have one or two swing thoughts
as they prepare to make a golf swing -- in reality this
only applies to a golfer who has already developed a well structured
golf swing.
Therefore if you want to reach the stage of having a well
structured golf swing it is vital that you learn the basic principles
and the basic movements of the golf swing and practice these
movements until they become second nature to perform.
*****As a bit of light relief have a go at my version of FANTASY GOLF
or read a bit of Si-Fi --- a story about Misti , the super hero *******