Club Head Square to the Ball Position. (Changed - 01/07/2019)

The "Club Head Square to the Ball" position is when the club face remains squarely facing the ball for as long as possible as the back swing movement is performed.

Therefore to explain, at the address position, although the club face is "squarely facing the target line" it is also "squarely facing the ball position"


As the back swing movement is performed, the club head moves away from the ball and immediately the club face will begin to "open" relative to the target line without any action on your behalf.

owever, although the club face "opens" relative to the "square to the target line"- you must control the alignment of the club face so that the club face remains square to the ball position for as long as possible.

Therefore you must always be aware of the alignment of the club face throughout the back swing movement.
( Towards the end of the back swing movement the club face will also begin to become "open" relative to the ball position, but you must continue to assume that the club face remains square to the ball position at all times.)



In order to understand the correct movement, for practice swings only, allow your head to rotate away from the fixed frontal position in synchronisation with the movement of the shoulders and look at the club face to ensure that it remains square to the ball for as long as possible.



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